Uncompromising Cinema


Situated in a serene green environment, a lake nearby, in a purposefully-designed space aligned with our artistic sensibilities, we operate in a conductive atmosphere where our creative ideas flow freely, and with space and time for reflection and artistic exploration.  

World Documentary Cinema Atelier


    In celebration of our 10th anniversary in 2024, we've initiated this special program.

    Currently, we are extending this opportunity to 10 film-teams worldwide in 2023 and 2024, particularly those in vulnerable positions.

    Through the Fellowship, filmmakers are offered invaluable guidance, mentorship, and counsel, bolstering them throughout their journeys in creating their first or second feature documentary films, ensuring their stories reach global audiences.

    Lean more about THE FELLOWSHIP.


    As we mark our 10th anniversary, our alternative co-production model is currently in the final stages of development.

    More information will be published in 2024.


    We recognise the weight that ambitious filmmaking carries, especially when grappling with challenges in writing, editing, or navigating complex production landscapes. It's a path we've walked ourselves, facing all sorts of challenges - from working undercover and enduring exile, to confronting legal scrutiny and navigating the intensity of covert settings as well as the more subtle yet formidable challenge of finding the right creative language or structure.

    Our journey was guided by allies and mentored by pioneering filmmakers, allowing us to overcome these hurdles.

    We've established a method to extend this support to filmmakers through our consultancy service.

    Learn more and book your initial consultancy.

Our filmmaking process defies convention.

This is first and foremost a space where playfulness and exploration are harnessed and inspiration from everyday impressions and diverse art forms and media are embraced.

To us filmmaking originates from our multidimensional approach to creativity and from our recognition that artistic creation is by nature, singular and mutating.

This atelier is as much a space for self-nurturing as it is for support, for solitary introspection as much as it is for collaboration.